Saturday, January 30, 2010

On Nesting

So I'm starting to believe that nesting is really for the unprepaired. I'm not saying I'm not suseptable to it as well, I'm just saying my recent nesting tendencies are due mainly to the "oh God! I'm not ready yet" feeling in the pit of my stomach (that now resides between my lungs). I keep feeling that I've gotta get stuff done and ready for LBG's big arrival because I'm not going to have time for it afterwards... or goodness knows, what if I forget about something before she comes?
I've got a whole to-do list that seems to fluxuate so badly. I think I've got stuff done and figured out and don't really have to worry... until suddenly... a "what if" crawls in my ear (darn Shel Silverstein and his being right about things even if they aren't real)!
I really thought I was doing well, especially after today's hurricane of action around the house in which I barely lifted a finger (thank you Tim, Patty, Mom, and Chris for helping out!). I'm caught up on laundry, the dishes are done, all the rooms are decent and decorated, even the drive got shoveled! I mean, what else do I really have to worry about, right?
All the little things, of course. Now I'm thinking that I've still gotta print out the little cards for the hospital so the nurses don't feed LBG with a bottle or use a pacifier, bake cookies (to sweeten up the nurses so I don't seem like such a bad person for telling them how to do their jobs... and because I want cookies), put away and organize the master bathroom, organize my dresser, finish up the thank you notes, put away the little things, organize that area above the drier, get the star stickers up in LBG's room (actually, that one I have to hand off to someone because I'd be on a ladder), and find places for things in general.
See what I mean about "worrying about nothing?" It's all little stuff that I can do later, and not stress over, but it's exactly what I'm stressing over... which is why I think nesting is all about anxiousness/anxiety and a lack of anything else to do. I mean, with the weather how it is we are all slightly stir crazy. And I know Patty and my mom are both anxious for LBG to arrive, so they're nesting too! I don't think it's just a thing for the mother-to-be, I think it's a thing for everyone involved that feels a little pressure about the whole thing. I know Chris is busting his butt trying to get the schedules done so that he'll be ahead of the game in time.
I don't know. I mean, I was calm and everything was going well, but then I start thinking "what do I need to do?" and my mind goes crazy. It's hard to fall asleep (well, also because the comfort level isn't as it used to be), so I'm constantly getting up either thinking of things I need to do or just doing them. Like before coming in here (at 10:30 PM) I semi-organized our bathroom counter space. Some things feel a bit too overwhelming to attempt, but those are the things I don't mind skipping (like the office). That is something I'll do when she gets here. We can do it together, and it'll be more fun then. But other things just get stuck in my head that I must do them right then or they might not get done.
Nesting is more about the overwhelming feeling of having to do stuff now because I might not be able to later; weither later is after she has arrived or just in terms of she could arrive any minute so I might not be able to wait until tomorrow to do it. I think this anxious stress causes babies to come, not the other way around. So, I guess as long as I remain calm and relaxed I've got nothing to worry about, right? I can still nest, I just need to not stress about it... otherwise it won't be able to get done because she'll be on her way.
So, Jess: breathe... breathe... breathe... everything will get done, and if it doesn't it's not a big deal. The house is in a good place right now, so don't stress... and for goodness sakes, get some sleep!

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