Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dr. Day

Well, today I went to the doctors... again. My blood pressure was up, not much: 123/87. But we had a double duty on the doctors appointment.
When we first went in, at 8:30am (urgh), I had to do the pee test. Then they strapped me to a couple of monitors. One monitored LBG's heartrate and the other monitored and the other monitored for contractions. I didn't really have any contractions. She moved around a little bit here and there, so her heartrate fluxuated more than I've normally seen (from 120-155). There was one instance the doctor came in and thought I was having a contractiong, but really it was just LBG streaching out.
I stayed hooked up for about 30 minutes, but no major stresses, so they took me in to the ultrasound room to do some measurements. We found out LBG is actually going to be a small baby, despite my worry. She's 7.4 lbs apx... which means she could be anywhere from 6.4 to 8.4 lbs. But she's healthy, even practicing breathing on the monitor. She likes to lay on her side (a lot!).
The pelvic exam showed that there's no change. I'm still about a 1 cm, slightly soft, and posterior. She had to "go searching" for my cervix... not a fun thing for me that's for sure. It's not the first time for that either, but... anyway... That was the only part that really hurt. I know that if labor pains are the same as the pain that feels like, I'm definetly getting an epidural.
But basically: Everything's the same. No change.
Dr. S said she didn't want me to go past the 10th, so we're scheduled to go in on the 9th to be induced. Half of all deliveries are done past term. But it's no big deal to induce because it's better to do so than let the baby go too far past term. She's not too big for me to deliver, so that's not a big worry.
I guess on the 9th (if I don't deliver before then) they give me something to soften and open me up, and then I stay the night (Chris will be staying with me). Then on the 10th, they start checking me and give me the stuff that starts labor (Pitocin) in the morning. I should start labor soon after. So I will deliver LBG no later than the 10th.

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