Saturday, January 30, 2010

On Nesting

So I'm starting to believe that nesting is really for the unprepaired. I'm not saying I'm not suseptable to it as well, I'm just saying my recent nesting tendencies are due mainly to the "oh God! I'm not ready yet" feeling in the pit of my stomach (that now resides between my lungs). I keep feeling that I've gotta get stuff done and ready for LBG's big arrival because I'm not going to have time for it afterwards... or goodness knows, what if I forget about something before she comes?
I've got a whole to-do list that seems to fluxuate so badly. I think I've got stuff done and figured out and don't really have to worry... until suddenly... a "what if" crawls in my ear (darn Shel Silverstein and his being right about things even if they aren't real)!
I really thought I was doing well, especially after today's hurricane of action around the house in which I barely lifted a finger (thank you Tim, Patty, Mom, and Chris for helping out!). I'm caught up on laundry, the dishes are done, all the rooms are decent and decorated, even the drive got shoveled! I mean, what else do I really have to worry about, right?
All the little things, of course. Now I'm thinking that I've still gotta print out the little cards for the hospital so the nurses don't feed LBG with a bottle or use a pacifier, bake cookies (to sweeten up the nurses so I don't seem like such a bad person for telling them how to do their jobs... and because I want cookies), put away and organize the master bathroom, organize my dresser, finish up the thank you notes, put away the little things, organize that area above the drier, get the star stickers up in LBG's room (actually, that one I have to hand off to someone because I'd be on a ladder), and find places for things in general.
See what I mean about "worrying about nothing?" It's all little stuff that I can do later, and not stress over, but it's exactly what I'm stressing over... which is why I think nesting is all about anxiousness/anxiety and a lack of anything else to do. I mean, with the weather how it is we are all slightly stir crazy. And I know Patty and my mom are both anxious for LBG to arrive, so they're nesting too! I don't think it's just a thing for the mother-to-be, I think it's a thing for everyone involved that feels a little pressure about the whole thing. I know Chris is busting his butt trying to get the schedules done so that he'll be ahead of the game in time.
I don't know. I mean, I was calm and everything was going well, but then I start thinking "what do I need to do?" and my mind goes crazy. It's hard to fall asleep (well, also because the comfort level isn't as it used to be), so I'm constantly getting up either thinking of things I need to do or just doing them. Like before coming in here (at 10:30 PM) I semi-organized our bathroom counter space. Some things feel a bit too overwhelming to attempt, but those are the things I don't mind skipping (like the office). That is something I'll do when she gets here. We can do it together, and it'll be more fun then. But other things just get stuck in my head that I must do them right then or they might not get done.
Nesting is more about the overwhelming feeling of having to do stuff now because I might not be able to later; weither later is after she has arrived or just in terms of she could arrive any minute so I might not be able to wait until tomorrow to do it. I think this anxious stress causes babies to come, not the other way around. So, I guess as long as I remain calm and relaxed I've got nothing to worry about, right? I can still nest, I just need to not stress about it... otherwise it won't be able to get done because she'll be on her way.
So, Jess: breathe... breathe... breathe... everything will get done, and if it doesn't it's not a big deal. The house is in a good place right now, so don't stress... and for goodness sakes, get some sleep!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Chair

So we got the chair! Yesterday they called and said the chair was in at Babies R Us, which's great because we ordered it back in November (9th to be exact).
It's so cute! I'll post pictures soon. It's very soft. Now the debate is weither or not to get the ottaman... because if I'm going to get it, I should do so now.


Today's class was over SIDS. It was okay. Chris went with me and found a Kozy for the carrier, which is exactly what we were looking for! We were also able to get diapers, a bunch of hats, mits, some socks, shop n' play, and safety stuff for cords.

Dr. Weekly

I'm pretty sure the doctor is set and determined that this week was the due week, but I'm pretty sure now that it's a week off, and she'll be coming next week... at least with the upcoming weather I'm hoping so.
But the update is this: my bloodpressure is down, which is good, to 119 over 87. We were a bit worried when it was up because that could mean something. But it's down to normal now, so that's all good.
I'm at 1cm, still soft, and posterior. So she's not going anywhere right now. I figure once the sleet and snow comes in we'll just sit back and relax until next month (only a few days away!).
The doctor asked if I wanted to set a date or let her go as long as we could. I said we'd let her go as long as we could. So, Dr. S doesn't doesn't want her to go past the 9th.
We went ahead and set up an apointment for next week, which I'll have to do a stress test for when I go. The stress test sounds pretty easy and relaxing, actually. I'll have a dopler (the baby heart monitor) strapped to my stomach and another device that monitors contractions (just in case I'm having them and "not realizing it", though I'm not sure I wouldn't realize it). But I'll be sitting down in a recliner with these two devices strapped to my stomach for 15-30 minutes until they get a good constant reading. And then I'll get the regular weekly done.
You know, the same stuff I got done this week: pelvic exam, blood pressure, heart rate of LBG, questions, weight, and pee in a cup.
LBG's heart rate kept going up from 145-150 at this one, but it's within normal range. I think she thought she was being played with. Dr. S said the cervic was still a ways up there though.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Where's my time?

Sometimes I feel like a character on one of those cop shows and that I should be wearing an ankle bracelet. Since Chris has made the request that I no longer drive, I feel trapped sometimes. Which is weird, since I go out almost daily. I just feel I can't do it on my own.
At first I was like "who do you think you are?! Telling me, a wonderfully independent woman, what to do? Telling me I can't drive my own vehicle?!" But the closer I get to the due date, the more I understand. I don't want to be stuck in Tulsa's traffic with contractions going. I know very very few people really have babies on the side of the road in the back of their vehicle (unless you go by movie statistics). But that doesn't stop me from worrying about the actual contractions happening then. I mean, right now I get 1 to 2 contractions a day, but they've started coming at random times (yes, Braxton Hicks). So I don't want one of them to come while I'm driving and take away my concentration.
But all that doesn't stop me from feeling trapped sometimes. I felt so overwhelmed the other day, a couple of days after the shower. I kept looking around the house at what needed (what I wanted) to be done, and realizing I couldn't do it myself. I couldn't lift the boxes, I couldn't bend over to pick up stuff, I couldn't drive anywhere to get away... I felt completely useless... and helpless. It's not a fun feeling and it's hard to grasp sometimes. But I have been blessed to have people come out and help me.
Unfortunately, that's one of the things that made me feel like a prisoner, too. I'm never alone! N-E-V-E-R! Last night was the first time I didn't have a "changing of the guards" and actually had a few hours to myself... of course, I didn't know what to do with myself, but that's besides the point.

Any day now...

It's hard to believe that any moment I'll be going to the hospital and giving birth to LBG! Hard to believe I'm excited about going to the hospital! How many people (other than the millions/billions of pregnant women) can actually say that they are excited to go to the hospital? Such a crazy notion... and a scary thought. What about the epidural? Am I going to get it? Will I be one of two people from the class that has to have a C-section?
There are so many thoughts going through my head. Being pregnant has definetly been surreal. I mean, there are times I even forget I'm pregnant. No, never when she's moving, of course, but there are just times it doesn't pass my mind. Other times, I can really feel it!
My hands have ballooned up this past week along with my feet. I feel like I look like a cartoon character sometimes... except I have 5 fingers and toes on each hand instead of 4. But my hands were so swollen this last week it was hard to make fists sometimes. Some of it's gone away, but sometimes it flairs back up. Like right now, I can see it in my left hand, but it's not so bad I can't make fists properly.
But it'll be soon... and I'm waiting, which is good. I'll be really excited if LBG comes in February. I know it's a matter of days, but January seems so close to Christmas... anyway...
It'll be someday soon, I'm sure of that. Until then, I just need to relax and wait. I've not been going crazy nesting, but I do get spurts where I'm like "but I'm not going to be able to do this once she comes!" or "I really need to get this done so it's ready for her!" But honestly, most everything at this point can wait, if needed. And I'm aware of that. I just keep waiting, I guess, and idle hands are the devil's playground. This is a great test of patience.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today, I went to Tim and Patty's and Patty commented that my stomache has dropped! I hadn't noticed because it's me and I see myself every minute of the day (heck, sometimes I don't even realize how pregnant I am!). But she hadn't seen me in a couple of days. And I am gushy on top... have I really dropped?! Any day now!
But then again, it is one of those "could be hours, days, or even weeks" things! It's just a sign that I'm in my last run for this pregnancy.
Just gotta make sure everyone's in town when it happens!

And it's now a few days later, and I totally believe she's right. I do feel different. The gushy-ness on top is definetly an open spot for her. She didn't have much room to drop to, but she has dropped. I can breathe just a little better, and the heartburn has almost dissappeared!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

PRC Class with Mom

Today's class was at 3PM at the PRC. I went with my Mom. It was over PPD. It was a good one, the homework is actually an evaluation check sheet to see if I suffer from it. We watched a video which explained that there are more than one type of depression post-partum: There's the baby blues, which a lot of women get; post-partum depression; post-partum OCD; and finally post-partum psychosis. PPP is the worst, but anything should be reported, including just the baby blues.
After the lesson, we went a little crazy at the botique. We stayed there for quite some time looking around and deciding on stuff to bring home.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mucus Plug

WARNING: LOTS OF VISUAL STUFF YOU MIGHT NOT WANT TO HEAR. I think I lost my mucus plug, but I'm not sure. I went to the restroom tonight and found it. There was a yellowish-brownish clear glob no bigger than snot (which looked a lot like snot). There was a little bit of blood around it. not like major blood, but just spots (like what you would find with hemroids). Here's what has to say:

During pregnancy, your cervical opening becomes blocked with a thick plug of mucus that prevents bacteria from entering the uterus. When your cervix begins to loosen, this mucous plug is dislodged. Some women notice the passage of the mucous plug (what exactly is that in the toilet?), others don't (especially if you're the flush-and-rush type). Unfortunately, the discharge of the mucous plug is in no way a reliable indicator of when labor might begin. It could be hours, days, or even weeks before real contractions begin.

Weeks?! Ok, I believe it. That seems to be how it is with everything labor releated. Everything is prefaced with "it could be hours, days, or even weeks"! Wait! How could it go from hours to weeks?! I guess it's because every pregnancy is different. Oh well, she needs to come on her own time, and I will welcome her whenever. I look forward to seeing you, LBG!

Now the question is: when will the baby drop?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby Doctor

Another weekly baby doctor visit has come and gone... and been scheduled again for next week. I figure as long as she keeps scheduling me, she's not worried about LBG coming out.
I had a slightly higher blood pressure from my norm, but nothing out of the normal range. Other than that, I'm at 1cm and 50% effaced (I had to look up what that ment: it's the cervical lining thining... I think). I've been having bad headaches lately that don't go away with tylenol, so I had to report that, too.
Like last night, I woke up at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep till after 7 because I was waiting on the headache to subside, and then the heartburn. But that's beside the point.
My doctor is really great and all, but these pelvic exams are a bit rough. I bled after this one, too, but not until a few hours later (that dr apt was at 11:30a, but I didn't notice it till after 3:30p). As much as pelvic exams aren't funny, this one kind of was. LBG moved away from the doctor back up into what seemed like my throat really quickly when the doctor was doing the exam. It startled the doctor, and we all kind of laughed about it. She hadn't had that reaction before from a baby in the womb!
Anyway, all seems to be on track. 1cm and 50% effaced doesn't mean anything, unfortunately. I mean it could be tomorrow or it could be two weeks. Some women stay at 1cm for weeks, apparently.
Anyway, I'm tired. Had a long, busy day of doctors and returns. I'm going to take a nice relaxing shower, and then to bed. Have a good night yourselves!

Friday, January 15, 2010


I'm not sure if it's the presence of my mother or the looming due date (and the looming question by everyone "haven't you popped yet?"), but it's officially 5:45 AM and I am up painting. I just can't get to sleep even though I'm really tired and have a long weekend in front of me.
But I really really want to get this nursery done. I've stopped caring that it's not "perfect" and have agreed to alow myself do cartoony versions of what I wanted. I just don't have the time or patience to do exactly what was in my head. If I had started at the begining, nine months ago... I'm sure I would still be in the exact same spot, so I don't feel aweful about that. Besides, LBG will be an infant and won't know that it's not the greatest painting on Earth. And it sort of is, because it's for her. But I won't let her know that it's not exactly what I thought it was going to be. Cartoony here I come!
I feel a little bad about that, but at the same time... I'm ready. Not for her to come out, but I'm ready for the labor of this room to be done! I'm ready to start actually nesting the nest and getting the room set up and the clothes put away and the changing table organized. I'm ready to nest! Problem is the room isn't. So I'm giving myself 7-10 days to finish. I want it done-done by the doctor's due date (which is the 27th). Although, at this time, I'm pretty sure we miscalculated the date and it's about a week off. But that's good, because (hopefully) that'll give me time to get the room aired out and set up.
So anyone feeling even remotely artistic just jump on over! Like I said, it doesn't have to be perfect. I just want her to feel the love that we all put into the room.
It was so nice to have Grandpa Tim over the other night to paint the trees and castle wall. Even though he didn't really know what he was doing, he still put love into it, which is what really counts. The same with my mother. I'm hoping others will do the same. I mean if nothing else, I know Grandma Patty doesn't paint, but I'd love for her to come over and just dab on a red circle to symbolize a rose. I've got no problem going back over what's been done and adding the details. But I know there will be a time when LBG will point to something in the room and I'll smile and go "yes, so-and-so painted that for you to show you how much they love you!" Not that painting is the only way of showing love, but I'd love to be able to have a little bit of everyone in that room for her to be a part of.
I'm waiting for the aunts and uncles to come over and do a little something... maybe I should call them, not now, of course, but sometime later today would be good. I've got some pretty easy things to do and they can be fun (like the leaves on all the trees; just take a sponge and go for it!).
Mom is going to be doing the detail work for the buildings, I mainly want her to draw them out so that we can get them going. And like I said, I've come to realize cartoony is fine for this attempt, so maybe not so detaily as I originally planned; more like symbolic.
I'm waiting on paint to dry so I can start the next thing. Please feel free to come over and help any time! But you'll have to call first, please, because I'm finding out my schedule is booking up fast for doctor's appointments. Which is another reason I wanna bust this out!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Chris came with me today to both classes. It was his scheduled day off to do so, so I'm glad he decided to go to both. Originally he was only going to be going to the St. John's class, but he decided to go to the Pregnancy Resource Center with me. I think he wanted to see what it was all about. Which was good, because now he has an idea of it, and we both like it a lot. I think after I'm done with all my classes there (which will be about a year) I'd like to volunteer there. The people are really sweet and caring.
Today's lesson at PRC was on newborn care. Chris can be a trouble maker and started laughing hestarically at parts of the video. It was good because it made me relax a little. I'd been treating it like a lecture class, and really set into it, taking down notes and what not. But with him there laughing I couldn't help but giggle myself. It was good to loosen up. I think he's so ready for LBG to be here he's just getting anxious now, which makes him a little bit of a twerp. But that's besides the point. We finished the lesson and I showed him around the little place. Our instructor that day was not my normal instructor because I thought I was supposed to go in at 1, but it was actually supposed to be 3. But they went ahead and took me at 1, which was nice of them. But she has the same last name as us, so we talked for quite some time about that (and the fact that her husband's name is Chris as well), and some other things (like financial peace... Dave Ramsey should pay Chris for how much he talks about and promotes it!).
Anyway, today's PRC class covered nursing, diapering, and bathing. I don't remember the bathing part as much as the other parts, but that's due to the fact that Chris made fun of the other parts a lot more than the bathing. Little twerp, I love him.

And tonights class at St. John's - Owasso was Safe Start. I reccomend it. It covered things like car seat safety, shaken baby syndrome, and infant CPR. It was also supposed to cover swaddling, but I don't think the nurses remembered that (so we wrote it down on the evaluation as a reminder). It was a good overall class though.
We started with the CPR and that actually went by really fast. It was kind of odd at first, but we had a video and had to do it on a manequine. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be since everyone else was doing the same thing at the same time.
Then we watched a video on SBS, very sad. There was a lot of paperwork in our file folders for us to go through. A lot on poison and such. On eof ht ethings they talked about and showed us was the contents of your purse and/or diaper bag can be very dangerous. So you have to think about what you're putting in your bags cause baby will get into it.
The last thing we did was check out the car seats. We had to actually take it into the class so they could go over it with us. Chris was getting antsy again (I guess he thought he'd been a "good boy" for too long) and started playing around. But he's got the seat figured out and had the manequine strapped in it good and tight before the nurses told us to do so.
Like I said, they were supposed to talk to us a little about swaddling, but never got to it. But another couple there started talking to us about it a little. There's this book and DVD by some guy (can't remember the name) called "the happiest baby on the block" that's supposed to be really good about teaching you how to swaddle and calm the baby down real quickly. So when Chris and I got home we looked it up and ordered the DVD on Netflix (ah, such greatness is Netflix!). It should be coming when we send our next DVD in. It'll be interesting to see what the guy says on it.
Anyway, that's about it for the classes. I'm glad I'm doing them. I just wish I had scheduled them better. So take my advice: the hospital classes should be taken when you're in your 7th or 8th month, not the 9th! Also if you go to the resource center; start durring your first trimester, because they'll start you out there, and you'll have plenty of time for all the classes. I feel a little crammed with my schedule now that the due date is upon us.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cravings Chocolate

Let me preface with, I love my husband very very much, but...
He made me laugh today with a tinge of anger. I was having major cravings for chocolate chocolate-chip muffins, and he was being an ass about the whole thing. At first he didn't want to go out and do it, and then had never heard of such a thing.
Finally persuaded him to go out and do it. I realize of course that he has been working a very very long day... 12 hour shift in fact. But this is the first time I've pulled the pregnancy card and asked him for something I'm craving rather than just going out and getting it myself. I had texted him earlier that day to go get it if he had a chance, but he didn't. So on his way home I asked him to bring it home, but he didn't. So I finally convinced him that I really wanted it and that we should go out and get it.
So we went to Reasors. It takes him forever to go through that store! I knew exactly what I wanted and where it was, but we had to mosey about almost every aisle. We finally got to where the muffins would be, and they were sold out!
So I told Chris we should go to the other Reasors, which is only a couple of miles away, not like it's a few hours away or anything! Anyway, first thing out of Chris' mouth was that he was not going to go to the other Reasors. I totally had to pull the card. I mean, this was the first time I've asked him to go around town searching for anything food related for me! How dare he. He had been getting off easy these whole nine months. I hadn't asked him for anything like that. Grrrr. It made me so mad. I just started laughing, because I couldn't believe him!
I think he started feeling guilty, so don't rip him too much for it, because we did go to the other Reasors, begrudgingly. I found the chocolate chocolate-chip muffings and enjoyed one in the car. He had apparently never had one before, so I gave him a bite. He'll probably have one tomorrow for breakfast or a snack. I just couldn't believe it. I mean, I love Chris and everything, but... it just makes me laugh and shake my head. The nerve, sometimes... urgh.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dr. Day

Another doctor's appointment today. We're in the weekly run now. Chris was able to make it, and sat in on it. Pretty normal stuff. I've not advanced at all, which is fine for now. LBG's heart rate was good, but she was definetly excited about something because it was hard to get a reading on her. Between 155-160.
After the appointment, we went to WalMart just to walk around. I had to go to the bathroom, and there was the tiniest bit of spotting. But I'm pretty sure that's because how rough the doctor was today. It hasn't happened again since.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Birthing Class

So Chris and I went to a birthing class today... all day. But it was fun and educational. Which was nice. We started our day at 10am and ended it at 5pm, so it was a long day. There were 7 couples, and according to statistics 2 of us will have unplanned C-sections. We were one of two couples due in February, but we were definetly the furthest along (though I didn't think I looked as far along as some). We had the first due date. A lot of them were due in March, so for further readers and such... go two months before, not the month of. :) Because they're all going to the same classes we are, but not being as hard pressed for time as we are on things.
But we learned a lot of valuable information. It was definetly for those not wanting an epidural, which made some of our questions a bit harder to ask. It went through things, like positions for delivery and such, that were only able to be done if you didn't have an epidural. It did cover getting one, and what you can do during that time, but not as much as if you don't get one.
So now I'm in debate. Everyone keeps telling me "right when you walk in, ask for an epidural." Which made me think that that's almost exactly what I'd do. I was actually planning on seeing how my pain held up. I figured I can't get one until I'm at 4 cm, so if I ask for one between 4 and 6 cm then give it to me. The cut off it after 8 cm. But if I'm not asking for one before then, then I should be okay... right?
Anyway, this class made me rethink things, just a little. I really want to try and hold out and see if I can handle everything. I like the idea of being more awake, as well as the baby. But I understand the main benefit of not feeling the pain. I mean, why bother with it if you don't have to, right? But there's always the other side of me nagging that I should try without drugs because women have been doing it for centuries without.
Anyway, the class went over a lot of good information. We covered labor and birthing positions, when to go to the hospital (not until my contractions are 5 minutes apart and lasting 1 minute each, or my water breaks), what to do to ease some of the pain, trial of pain threshold, what to bring, etc.
We all got massages from our husbands, which was nice. We went through different types of massages. There were one or two that I really liked, and one or two that I really did not like. It was good to find out ahead of time to eliminate those as choices when the time came.
It also talked about early labor, which was good to hear. Because they don't want you to just go right away to the hospital. They want you to be confortable in your home for as long as you can (until the 1 minute every 5 minutes thing). So you should rest, eat lightly (because you might throw it up later), and relax as best you can. Taking showers was a big thing, and can be done in the hospital as well. She called it the "poor man's epidural" because it really helps with the pain somehow. I know that I hop in the shower a lot more often lately anyway just because it feels really nice, and I can't soak in a tub for as long as I can stand in the shower (water starts to get cold when it's not moving).
But it's really motivated me to get crackin on stuff like packin! Chris and I have set out the bag we're going to use, now I'm just finishing up the last bits of laundry for what we want to take. We've even got snacks for him, and some popcicle things for me set aside for then. Our phone chargers are packed, and I've got a little bag of hygene stuff for when I get there.
Did you know you're not supposed to use chapstick at the hospital? I did not know that! They don't want you to have chapped lips and everyone tells you to bring some sort of chap stick, but you have to watch the ingredients apparently because if it contains petrolium, petrolatum, or mineral oil then if you have to be given oxygen it'll burn your lips! So they told us to go out and get Burt's Bees lip balm because it doesn't contain any of that. I'm glad they told us, too, because I totally had some Vasolene lip balm in my baggie.
At the end, after the massages, they had our husbands slightly abuse us. For real. We practiced contraction exercises all day, like breathing, walking around, slow dancing, etc., to the different timing of contractions. But she wanted us to see what the creshendo was like. So Chris had to grab the meaty part of the back of one of my arms very gently at first, and then over a peroid of 1 minute increase the grasp, and then at the end of the minute lay off slowly. It wasn't horrible, and I could handle it. But then she had them grab hold of us real quickly (like a pinch buth with the whole hand) at the same intensity as the highest part of the creshendo. He had been holding me a lot harder than I thought! It really hurt, I wanted to turn and slug him, but resisted the urge... this time. (Watch out, Chris, labor could bring the bitch out).
Oh! That reminds me! One thing she told us was to not go "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" really high pitched, but to do "Open! Open! Open!" because you generally say that in a lower pitch. The difference is the way the muscles react to how you're doing the words and pitches. High pitches hold the body tight and push the baby back up. The low pitch "opens up" things and helps relax the muscles. That was a really cool thing they told us about.
But it was cool. We had a slideshow presentation that had some videos in it. We went over pre-labor signs, when to go to the hospital, practice contractions, stages of labor, the coach's job, how long it takes to get an epidural, and other fun facts.
Like, did you kow that only 5% of women have their babies on their due dates?
Anyway... it was good. I reccomend the class to anyone about to have a baby. Except you might not want to take it all at once. They do offer them over a few evenings.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pregnancy Resource Center

There's a pregnancy resource center in Owasso, and it is awesome! The people there are super sweet and helpful. I went yesterday and set up an apt for today and did my first (and second) class.
One of the girls from McD, Joy, told me about it, and I'm really glad she did. It's got some really good resources and is Christian based (but they don't push that on you or anything).
So I'll be going once a week every week that I can. I can do so until LBG is 6 months old, then it's once every two weeks. But I take classes each week; basically watch a video and fill out some worksheets while I do so. Then I take home some homework and bring it back the next week. There are just about 55 classes I can take, but I've already missed a few because I'm so far along.
For each lesson I can earn "mommy money" (MM) and get free items (like diapers, clothing, even car seats!) for the MM I earn. I get $1 in MM by watching the video, completing the worksheet, completeing the homework, bringing in other people, and some other ways. But it's way awesome!
This weeks lesson was on breastfeeding. I watched a video, filled out some information from it, and have some homework. But they also had another class going on while I was there and let me take that one too! It was on dental health. The OU Dental Medicine school was doing it, which was cool. So I took that class too, and earned points. They do teeth cleaning, which I'm going to make Chris and I go to sometime, for $15! With or without insurance! So that's really nice.
So by the end of today alone I had $7 in MM. I was able to get some diapers and wipes, a much needed mattress pad, and some mittens and hats... and I had MM left over! It was great! Oh, I even got nursing bras for free, because the class I'd gone through.
The people were super helpful and answered my questions on a lot of stuff. I'm really excited about this place. They're providing me with so much information and making things available to me a lot. I'm excited to go back next week.
I'm going to have a normal class, I forget what on next week, but then they also have a birthing class at 6pm that I sort of signed up for, but I've got an Infant CPR class on that same day and time. So I'm not sure which to cancel. I'm going to talk it over with Chris and see which one he thinks.
Anyway, it's totally made my day and am super excited about the whole thing. Thank yous go out in general to Joy, the people at the PRC and God.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Heartburn feels...

different. This newest bout of heartburn feels different. I took a nap today after the doctor (and a few errands I had) and slept for about an hour, maybe closer to two. But I absolutely had to get up because LBG started moving around a whole bunch, kicking and squirming, like I'd done something. It was giving me heartburn that left mucus in my mouth. It felt more like I was going to throw up, so I had to get out of bed and couldn't just ride it out. Ugh. Now I have a headache. Did I drink enough water? Am I just dehydrated? She's still squirming around in there pretty hard, so I'm guessing. The water helps, but only in short bursts. The mucus is still being produced and I can't seem to get rid of it fast enough.
I had the mucusy heartburn before, but just within this trimester, so it's relatively new. Maybe the mucus is due to the milk products I've eaten rather than the heartburn itself. I'm somewhat greatful for it, because it lesses the burn once it reached my throat, but at the same time I sometimes feel I'll drown in it... or, like today, throw up.
The headache's fairly light, so I'm not really debating tylenol at this point. I might if it stays with me much longer. I'm sure it's just from getting up too fast, because I literaly jumped out of that bed when I thought I was going to vomit. Which is why I think LBG is moving around like she is. She's having to adjust a little as well.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully it'll all go away when I (eat something for dinner and) have plenty of water.

Weekly Doctor

Well now that I'm int he final of the final stretches I'm seeing my doctor every week. She's super nice, I really like her and am glad I chose her. I was worried a little at first, but we've both warmed up to each other. She was a little concerned when I told her I'd gone to Houston lately, stating that that was a long drive.
But other than that there was nothing really to be concerned about. Today she did LBG's last scheduled ultrasound. Everything's looking good. LBG had her foot above her head again, but she's head down, which is good. Chubby cheeks, and a little bit of hair. Overall sounds like a cute baby!
LBG's heart rate was 154, and her weight is at 5 lbs 8 oz., apx.
I also had to have a Hep B test, which is slightly evasive... like a pap smear, basically. The lab on that will be back by next time, so all is good. They checked my cervix, and it's softening, which I'm guessing is good.
I had to go to the bathroom so bad before the apointment, I guess I held it too long because I couldn't go when I needed to for the begining pee test. Oh, well. The nurse just kind of laughed. I had been in the bathroom for a while, despite being early to the appointment.