Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mucus Plug

WARNING: LOTS OF VISUAL STUFF YOU MIGHT NOT WANT TO HEAR. I think I lost my mucus plug, but I'm not sure. I went to the restroom tonight and found it. There was a yellowish-brownish clear glob no bigger than snot (which looked a lot like snot). There was a little bit of blood around it. not like major blood, but just spots (like what you would find with hemroids). Here's what has to say:

During pregnancy, your cervical opening becomes blocked with a thick plug of mucus that prevents bacteria from entering the uterus. When your cervix begins to loosen, this mucous plug is dislodged. Some women notice the passage of the mucous plug (what exactly is that in the toilet?), others don't (especially if you're the flush-and-rush type). Unfortunately, the discharge of the mucous plug is in no way a reliable indicator of when labor might begin. It could be hours, days, or even weeks before real contractions begin.

Weeks?! Ok, I believe it. That seems to be how it is with everything labor releated. Everything is prefaced with "it could be hours, days, or even weeks"! Wait! How could it go from hours to weeks?! I guess it's because every pregnancy is different. Oh well, she needs to come on her own time, and I will welcome her whenever. I look forward to seeing you, LBG!

Now the question is: when will the baby drop?

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