Wednesday, September 30, 2009

JBF Sale

There was another JBF sale yesterday for 1st time moms. This was was in Owasso. It's maddnning. I know I drove Chris crazy as I kept contemplating whether or not to get something or another. We came out not spending a lot, thank goodness. Our major purchase was a jumping toy. Other than that, we got a few little items, like thank you cards and such.
I'm so worried about not getting the right things, or spending too much, or urgh. There's a lot of budget worries, as well as registering for the right things. Am I registering for too much, or too little? Too much, I'm sure. It feels like the wedding registry. And the JBF sale feels like those wedding dress sales they show you about on TV. Crazy, spazing women (and this time they're pregnant, not just regularly highly emotional) running around trying to snatch up things. Crazy Crazy times.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today I felt her hiccup for a good few minutes. I didn't realize what it was at first, it was like little kicks, but constant. When I put my hand over her, that's when I realized it was pulsing, like a heartbeat. But her heartbeat is faster than that (it was like my heartbeat rate, but it was definetly her kicking or something). It was so cool! It makes me smile whenever I think about it. :) I'm so excited for the next time she has hiccups. Sometimes I don't feel pregnant, but then I feel her moving about, kicking and whatnot, and it is so amazing. I enjoy this feeling so much. I hope she's as happy a baby as I am when I think of her.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

3-D 4-D Imaging

Chris and I have an appointment at a 3-D/4-D imaging center:
On Nov 3rd we are going and it should be interesting. I never know what to do when they're doing an ultrasound at the doctors office for a few minutes, I can't imagine holding still for 30. It'll be more interesting though. We'll be getting a package that gives us the following:
  • 30 minute Session
  • DVD of the Entire Session - set to music. We can bring in our own choice of music.
  • CD of Pictures
  • 3D/4D Color Pictures - as many as baby girl will let us get
  • 2D Black & White Pictures
  • Gender Check (which we've already done, they just do it with all packages)
  • Video Streaming - available online for 2 months.
It'll be interesting. Chris and I are going. Just thought I'd get you guys excited about it since it's all set up now.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Feeling the Kicks

Today I felt the kicks! On the outside! It felt like bubbles in the bottom of my stomach. So, I put my hand on it, and I could totally feel the kick on my hand! It was so cool! She does it ever so often in little bits, but that time, it totally was her doing her Tia-bow or something cause she was going crazy for a number of minutes. I was actually able to monitor it. I tried to get Chris to come and feel it, but he was in the shower, and I didn't want to move, in case she stopped. By the time he was done with the shower, she was done with her karate practice.
But now she's not doing it for more than one or two kicks at a time. I'm waiting for the next time she goes all crazy kickboxer on me. Hopefully Chris'll be around. We're both looking forward to him getting to feel her. This is such a cool experience, the whole pregnancy thing.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dr. Apts Times 2

I had two different doctor appointments today, both for the same thing. The first was at the hospital just to do a 30 minute ultrasound. We got two different sonogram pictures from the time there. I'll add them in a little while. They called it an anatomy scan. They took all sorts of measurements, and stuff. And Yes! It's A Girl!!
But they measured height, width, head, body, length, placenta, amniotic sac/fluids, leg bone, heartbeat, etc. She's doing well and fine.
And apparently so am I. That was my second doctor appointment today.
Yesterday, while at work, I was feeling really lightheaded. The last couple of weeks I've been feeling lightheaded off and on. And well, yesterday at work, I slightly fainted. Now before you go getting yourself worried about it. I am just fine, and so is the baby. I wanted to wait to tell anyone, just in case. But everything is fine. The doctor said it's probably my diet. No I'm not anemic, but I should eat more protein. My weight had been the same since I last went in, and I know it's dropped a couple of pounds since I weighed myself a few weeks ago (a week or two after the last checkup).
So to recap: Yes, it's a girl! No, I don't have pictures up yet (my computer is being a butt), I'm fine, have to change my diet a bit, and she's doing great as well. I'll try to keep you better updated as we go. Oh, and the Due Date is: Feb 3rd-ish.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Feeling the Kicks

Alright, so about this time last week, I think I was finally starting to feel the little kick flutters. All I know is that I'm feeling something ever so often. Last week I was pretty sure they were the kicks. But they feel more like a spider crawling in one place really quickly for a brief moment. It's kind of like those creepy crawly feelings you get when you "just know" a bug is crawling on you (even if it isn't). And at first I thought it was just that, until I realized it was localized to my stomach. Now I can't get enough of it! I know I'll be tired of the kicks and all once they really get harder, but for right now, it sort of worries me if I haven't felt them in a while. I'm being a silly new mom-to-be and talking to my stomach, coaxing it to kick me and let me know it's doing well.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Last night was a weird night for me in general. I couldn't get to sleep, my stomach felt so tight! I don't know if I ate too much and couldn't get rid of it, or if it was the baby. Anyway, I finally just went outside with a flashlight and started picking up the dog poo (yes, 10 o'clock at night). But while doing that I noticed that my stomach was lopsided. Now, I've gotten the feeling that it was before, especially when I just get up from sleeping or I'm about to lay down and have to pick a side. But so far it's always just been a feeling. But I think being extra full/tight, last night I was actually able to see it! It was freaky, to say the least. my right side was way bigger than my left, and I was sure it was the baby, but didn't want to push it over or anything like that. The more I think about it the more I realize that that has been the heavier, or "less light" (because I notice the lighter side more when it's the feeling), side more often than not. So, baby's a righty. I think I evened it out durring the night, because by the time I woke up, I couldn't tell anymore. I wonder why they like that side more? Just a general question for the universe.
And this is just general information I thought I should share as my dogs try to catch flies in the last of the summer heat. It's not something people tell you will happen, so it really took me by surprise.
I saw in a movie once where they had to turn the baby around because it was upside-down, and they did it just by pushing it around with their hands. The mother was well into her 8th month, so I don't know if this is really possible or just movie magic. But wouldn't that hurt the baby? I mean, I'm sure that's how they used to do it, but the baby is still developing, does it dent them or something?
Anyway, enough for today. Just thought I'd share that little tid-bit with you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sonogram #2

Baby waving "hi!"

the baby was waving a lot during the ultrasound.

An odd look for both of us:

Slightly freaky.

We're Number 1:
Baby moving arms and fingers around more.

Feeling the Baby

Today I was sitting down watching a movie with Chris and was trying to feel the baby, because it seems like I should be able to feel it (kick or whatever). Anyway, I pressed down a little bit and I could totally feel the heartbeat! No kicks yet, but the heartbeat was nice and strong. :)