Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dr. Apts Times 2

I had two different doctor appointments today, both for the same thing. The first was at the hospital just to do a 30 minute ultrasound. We got two different sonogram pictures from the time there. I'll add them in a little while. They called it an anatomy scan. They took all sorts of measurements, and stuff. And Yes! It's A Girl!!
But they measured height, width, head, body, length, placenta, amniotic sac/fluids, leg bone, heartbeat, etc. She's doing well and fine.
And apparently so am I. That was my second doctor appointment today.
Yesterday, while at work, I was feeling really lightheaded. The last couple of weeks I've been feeling lightheaded off and on. And well, yesterday at work, I slightly fainted. Now before you go getting yourself worried about it. I am just fine, and so is the baby. I wanted to wait to tell anyone, just in case. But everything is fine. The doctor said it's probably my diet. No I'm not anemic, but I should eat more protein. My weight had been the same since I last went in, and I know it's dropped a couple of pounds since I weighed myself a few weeks ago (a week or two after the last checkup).
So to recap: Yes, it's a girl! No, I don't have pictures up yet (my computer is being a butt), I'm fine, have to change my diet a bit, and she's doing great as well. I'll try to keep you better updated as we go. Oh, and the Due Date is: Feb 3rd-ish.

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