Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pregnancy Resource Center

There's a pregnancy resource center in Owasso, and it is awesome! The people there are super sweet and helpful. I went yesterday and set up an apt for today and did my first (and second) class.
One of the girls from McD, Joy, told me about it, and I'm really glad she did. It's got some really good resources and is Christian based (but they don't push that on you or anything).
So I'll be going once a week every week that I can. I can do so until LBG is 6 months old, then it's once every two weeks. But I take classes each week; basically watch a video and fill out some worksheets while I do so. Then I take home some homework and bring it back the next week. There are just about 55 classes I can take, but I've already missed a few because I'm so far along.
For each lesson I can earn "mommy money" (MM) and get free items (like diapers, clothing, even car seats!) for the MM I earn. I get $1 in MM by watching the video, completing the worksheet, completeing the homework, bringing in other people, and some other ways. But it's way awesome!
This weeks lesson was on breastfeeding. I watched a video, filled out some information from it, and have some homework. But they also had another class going on while I was there and let me take that one too! It was on dental health. The OU Dental Medicine school was doing it, which was cool. So I took that class too, and earned points. They do teeth cleaning, which I'm going to make Chris and I go to sometime, for $15! With or without insurance! So that's really nice.
So by the end of today alone I had $7 in MM. I was able to get some diapers and wipes, a much needed mattress pad, and some mittens and hats... and I had MM left over! It was great! Oh, I even got nursing bras for free, because the class I'd gone through.
The people were super helpful and answered my questions on a lot of stuff. I'm really excited about this place. They're providing me with so much information and making things available to me a lot. I'm excited to go back next week.
I'm going to have a normal class, I forget what on next week, but then they also have a birthing class at 6pm that I sort of signed up for, but I've got an Infant CPR class on that same day and time. So I'm not sure which to cancel. I'm going to talk it over with Chris and see which one he thinks.
Anyway, it's totally made my day and am super excited about the whole thing. Thank yous go out in general to Joy, the people at the PRC and God.

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