Monday, January 25, 2010

Any day now...

It's hard to believe that any moment I'll be going to the hospital and giving birth to LBG! Hard to believe I'm excited about going to the hospital! How many people (other than the millions/billions of pregnant women) can actually say that they are excited to go to the hospital? Such a crazy notion... and a scary thought. What about the epidural? Am I going to get it? Will I be one of two people from the class that has to have a C-section?
There are so many thoughts going through my head. Being pregnant has definetly been surreal. I mean, there are times I even forget I'm pregnant. No, never when she's moving, of course, but there are just times it doesn't pass my mind. Other times, I can really feel it!
My hands have ballooned up this past week along with my feet. I feel like I look like a cartoon character sometimes... except I have 5 fingers and toes on each hand instead of 4. But my hands were so swollen this last week it was hard to make fists sometimes. Some of it's gone away, but sometimes it flairs back up. Like right now, I can see it in my left hand, but it's not so bad I can't make fists properly.
But it'll be soon... and I'm waiting, which is good. I'll be really excited if LBG comes in February. I know it's a matter of days, but January seems so close to Christmas... anyway...
It'll be someday soon, I'm sure of that. Until then, I just need to relax and wait. I've not been going crazy nesting, but I do get spurts where I'm like "but I'm not going to be able to do this once she comes!" or "I really need to get this done so it's ready for her!" But honestly, most everything at this point can wait, if needed. And I'm aware of that. I just keep waiting, I guess, and idle hands are the devil's playground. This is a great test of patience.

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