Thursday, January 14, 2010


Chris came with me today to both classes. It was his scheduled day off to do so, so I'm glad he decided to go to both. Originally he was only going to be going to the St. John's class, but he decided to go to the Pregnancy Resource Center with me. I think he wanted to see what it was all about. Which was good, because now he has an idea of it, and we both like it a lot. I think after I'm done with all my classes there (which will be about a year) I'd like to volunteer there. The people are really sweet and caring.
Today's lesson at PRC was on newborn care. Chris can be a trouble maker and started laughing hestarically at parts of the video. It was good because it made me relax a little. I'd been treating it like a lecture class, and really set into it, taking down notes and what not. But with him there laughing I couldn't help but giggle myself. It was good to loosen up. I think he's so ready for LBG to be here he's just getting anxious now, which makes him a little bit of a twerp. But that's besides the point. We finished the lesson and I showed him around the little place. Our instructor that day was not my normal instructor because I thought I was supposed to go in at 1, but it was actually supposed to be 3. But they went ahead and took me at 1, which was nice of them. But she has the same last name as us, so we talked for quite some time about that (and the fact that her husband's name is Chris as well), and some other things (like financial peace... Dave Ramsey should pay Chris for how much he talks about and promotes it!).
Anyway, today's PRC class covered nursing, diapering, and bathing. I don't remember the bathing part as much as the other parts, but that's due to the fact that Chris made fun of the other parts a lot more than the bathing. Little twerp, I love him.

And tonights class at St. John's - Owasso was Safe Start. I reccomend it. It covered things like car seat safety, shaken baby syndrome, and infant CPR. It was also supposed to cover swaddling, but I don't think the nurses remembered that (so we wrote it down on the evaluation as a reminder). It was a good overall class though.
We started with the CPR and that actually went by really fast. It was kind of odd at first, but we had a video and had to do it on a manequine. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be since everyone else was doing the same thing at the same time.
Then we watched a video on SBS, very sad. There was a lot of paperwork in our file folders for us to go through. A lot on poison and such. On eof ht ethings they talked about and showed us was the contents of your purse and/or diaper bag can be very dangerous. So you have to think about what you're putting in your bags cause baby will get into it.
The last thing we did was check out the car seats. We had to actually take it into the class so they could go over it with us. Chris was getting antsy again (I guess he thought he'd been a "good boy" for too long) and started playing around. But he's got the seat figured out and had the manequine strapped in it good and tight before the nurses told us to do so.
Like I said, they were supposed to talk to us a little about swaddling, but never got to it. But another couple there started talking to us about it a little. There's this book and DVD by some guy (can't remember the name) called "the happiest baby on the block" that's supposed to be really good about teaching you how to swaddle and calm the baby down real quickly. So when Chris and I got home we looked it up and ordered the DVD on Netflix (ah, such greatness is Netflix!). It should be coming when we send our next DVD in. It'll be interesting to see what the guy says on it.
Anyway, that's about it for the classes. I'm glad I'm doing them. I just wish I had scheduled them better. So take my advice: the hospital classes should be taken when you're in your 7th or 8th month, not the 9th! Also if you go to the resource center; start durring your first trimester, because they'll start you out there, and you'll have plenty of time for all the classes. I feel a little crammed with my schedule now that the due date is upon us.

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