Sunday, July 31, 2011

Getting in the swing of sleeping

So, it's Paul's midnight snack... Past time. He has officially "slept through the night".
When doctors ask if your baby has "slept through the night" they are asking if they are sleeping 5-6 hours at a time sometime around midnight to 5 am. It's not the recommended 8 hours adults are supposed to get, nor is it the 10 hours nmy toddler sleeps (and thereby spoiling us). But it is something. And newborns aren't supposed to do so until they are at least 3 months old.
But Erin did sort of the same thing, and I know exactly why: the swing. Don't get me wrong, it was nice not waking up until 3-something. But it can be disturbing if you are a worrier like myself. Normally I wake at his first grunts, even if it's more for a bowel movement than food. But tonight he didn't do so until after I had pumped, and only after I stopped the swing. Which was why I didn't want him to nap in the swing during the day at first. But he's been good about waking himself up within a reasonably close amount of time to the 2 hour mark. But when he sleeps in it at night, and even sometimes during the day, he will sleep past the recommended 4 hour wake-up point. it's not all the time, but most of the time I have to stop the swing and/or uncover him to wake him. Which is why I've been trying to have him sleep in the bassinet more at night; at least for the first part of it (because he normally goes down then without a fight. Sometimes after the midnight snack he is wide awake (which was the problem very early on) and that's when I feel compelled to put him in the swing for the sake of my sanity.
But, as I said, I am a worrier; so when I awoke almost 6 hours after his last meal I was shocked and scared. I ran out to the living room and checked his breathing. It was normal and all was perfectly fine. But needless to say he is now peacefully asleep in the bassinet by my side, and with a full belly.
On a side note: I was even able to pump for 5 minutes, before he awoke, to relieve some pressure (which is what woke me up). I got over 5 oz. I'm sure I could pump right now and get some more, but ehh. I want my sleep, too. So, why am still up "talking" to you? Good question. Night!

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