Thursday, July 21, 2011

Migraines and mommys don't match

Ugh. I have been fighting a massive migraine for most of the day. The oxycodone I took is finally kicking in so I feel good enough to stare at my phones screen long enough to do some stuff. But I was just about in tears (and slightly nauseous whenever Paul got upset. I'm very grateful it's a grandparent day for Erin cause I'm not sure I could have handled them both alone. It's not Paul's cries that make my stomach turn but the shushing noises to make him calm down. I'm in my house right now hiding from the sun and hoping my ears stop ringing. Even though I took medicine my face around my left eye still feels bruised like someone punched me really really hard. ugh. I'm going back to bed before my head explodes.

* I was going to include a picture of an exploding head but I almost threw up doing an image search for one and decided against it. Just image one of the many exploding heads from JJ Abrams Fringe series (and yes, this can include the bleeding eye ones because with all the pressure my temple feels I would not be surprised).

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