Friday, July 22, 2011

Cellulitis scaring

After The c-section for Paul I got a bacterial infection around my incision called cellulitis. No, this is not what women complain about having on their thighs and butt, it's an actual infection caused by Streptococcal or staphylococca bacteria which can enter through the cesarian scar. This is how mine came about, causing my incision site to ooze slightly then have other symptoms: skin red and warm to the touch, some pain (if any, but I attribute that to the massive amount of drugs I was already taking for the pain), fever, chills, and inflammation of skin around the incision. My inflammation wasn't around but rather above the incision. I don't think I would have even noticed something was wrong if it hadn't been for the bloody tape over the seuteurs. I remembered that with Erin's c-section I didn't have blood showing. So I called attention to it. And I'm glad I did, cause if the infection got too bad I would have had to stay at the hospital even longer.
But now that my belly is somewhat flattening out I am able to see the scaring a little better. I could always feel it though... The inflammation made my skin look and feel like red cottage cheese. It was numb where the infection was and has slowly started to get feeling back. But now my loosened skin reveals an even more stretch-mark type of battlefield. It still feels a bit like cottage cheese is under my skin's surface: normal skin tightness and elasticity with bits and chunks of stretched non-elastic skin mixed in at random. It feels very odd. I'm not as worried about my real birthing stretch-marks as I am these. I mean, you can't really see them if you aren't looking unless I gather that chunk of akin together, but that doesn't stop me from being able to feel it. It's a bit of looseness I'm afraid wont bounce back. I don't know much about this infection other than what I've read on the Internet so I'll be asking my dr about it at our next visit.

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