Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Baby's First Bath

Paul had his first bath at home today (June ?, not the date of the post). Erin even helped out! It was very sweet of her but it meant we had to be extra attentive. I was so preoccupied that I didn't get the camera out! I'm sorry, Paul, it was a momentous event I was unable to document properly. I was able to get a few pictures after while you lay drying in my arms. The one below was the best.

It was pretty good as far as infant baths go. He screamed a little. We had to use soaked washcloths because the shower bit wasn't working. Erin helped out with a washcloth by dripping water over him. There were a couple times she got close to and on his face but it was still all good.

1 comment:

  1. Well at least you got an after photo!! Brooklyn peed on me after her first bath!
