Thursday, December 31, 2009

Resolutions For LBG

I figure since everyone does New Years Resolutions it was time I did a few. These are special specific to LBG. Ok, so they're more like New Life Resolutions...

I promise you love.
I promise to give you a name that's fitting and wonderfully you.
I promise to take you on trips, especially when you're old enough to remember them.
I promise to let you watch your favorite show over and over until we've both memorized every line.
I promise to feed you well.

I promise that even though you may not feel it all the time, you are beautiful and smart and loved.
I promise to learn how to change a diaper.
I promise to lay you down on your back and not your stomach to sleep.
I promise to stimulate your brain even at a young age.
I promise to kiss you goodnight every night... until you tell me not to.

I promise to teach you about money, and how to save it.
I promise you'll get an allowance someday.
I promise to not wrap you too warm or let you get too cold.
I promise to breastfeed you as best I can when you want.
I promise you love.

I promise consequences aren't always bad.
I promise to sing to you, unless you start to cry because of it.
I promise to read to you ever day.
I promise life will be interesting.
I promise to always try and keep you safe.

I promise I'll sew something special for you.
I promise to bake something sweet for your birthday each year.
I promise to tickle you.
I promise to never forget your favorite toy.
I promise to take lots and lots and lots of pictures of you.

I promise to be there for you when you get a boo-boo, no matter what kind it is.
I promise to give you ice cream after every shot you get at the doctors, when you're old enough.
I promise to help you with your homework.
I promise to drive you to your school events and try not to embarass you (too much).
I promise to love you... always.

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