Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dr. Apt

Just came back from my doctor's apt. All is well. Heartbeat 146. Pee tested fine.
Some symptoms I've been having that I had to report was the extreme swelling I'm starting to notice; the bruise-like feeling right above my belly-button, a little bit of nausea (just the last day or two); and I think that's about it.
The swelling is perfectly normal; of course I was not worried there. That's even the reason why my nose feels stuffed up most of time. It's also the reason my vision has gotten blurry over the course of this pregnancy.
The bruise-like feeling is also normal. I mean, if I had a bruise there, I would know that, but there’s no bruise there, so I thought it was a bit odd. It’s actually from my muscles stretching out. It’s their pains. It totally feels like there should be a bruise there, but not all the time. Sometimes it's not even noticable, while other times it's a dull feeling (streached out feeling, now that I think about it), and other times it's a "don't touch it!" feeling. But it's apparently perfectly normal as well.
The nausea I think is just from the food I’ve eaten over this last week on vacation. I ate a lot more than I normally do and a lot of sweets on the day I started feeling it. I only reported it just in case because I happened to be feeling a wave of it come over me while I was in there. It is something for me to watch, she said, as it can be signs of other things. But most of the other things it could be are ruled out with my other tests (the pee test and whatnot). But just in case, if I still feel a bit off-set tomorrow night, I’m supposed to give her a call.
Some other random things, now that I'm thinking about it are: heartburn is ever increasing it seems. I'm really trying to prevent it as much as I can, but I still get it at least a couple times a day unfortunately. I am tired a lot, but I still get myself out of bed around 9/10am each day and stay up all day without need for a nap... but on vacation I cheated a little and had caffeene. Speaking of the vacation, I have to say I absolutely love sleeping in my own bed. Not that I don't like a good firm bed, because I do (and I really appriciate the families that put us up while we were out there), but there's just something about my own bed... and I think it's the tempurpedic matress pad, because when I sleep on any other surface for more than a couple of hours I get really bad pain in my sciatic nerves along my outer thighs. It's happened in soft and hard beds, so I think the solution is the tempurpedic. So I am greatful for it. Last night's sleeping was a bit odd, and I couldn't quite get rolled over, it seemed.
She's movin' around pretty good in there still.

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