Sunday, October 4, 2009

Heartburn and ankles

So the update is I've had some major heartburn the last few days. It doesn't help that I've had to skip out on my daily dose of cold calcium (aka ice cream) because of the sinus drainage caused the soar throat I had for about a week and a half. The soar throat is gone, but I haven't tempted fate too much, because it still makes me cough a little. So heartburn is flairing up. But is apparently a major symptom of pregnancy that doesn't really go away. Pooh.
Anyway, on to the ankle thing: My ankle has been swollen since almost day one (you know, I've talked about it. Just my right ankle). Yesterday, after Sarah Morris (now Honeycutt)'s wedding my ankle was a major pain in the butt. And just a notice, I did not wear heals, so it wasn't that. I wore really comfortable shoes. Anyway, when I woke up this morning it was throbbing so badly! I don't know what I've done. It wasn't throbbing as much as it was busting at the seams, but it didn't look a bit swollen, it just felt that way. It was so bad I couldn't get back to sleep. I had to get up and walk around a bit to get it to calm down. I don't know what or why it is this way. Yes, I've elevated it, it just makes it hurt worse sometimes. Now that I've been on it a while it's ok, throbbing just a little, but completely ignorably. So I'm going to try and attempt a nap and see what happens from there.

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