Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First Pinky-Promise

Well, I was just about to write, very smugly, about how its 9 o'clock and both my children are in bed without fuss or fighting.  Erin had easily walked into her bed, no iPad needed, on her own free will, and laid down.  And just as I was thinking about this blog and about to eat a celibratory ice cream cone, Paul wails out... surely due to Erin having taken his binkey.  But I walked in and gave him another one... more screaming that didn't last long.
Anyway, about today:  A wonderful day on my own... sort of.  Chris left today for Vegas for Mary's funeral.  We had a good morning together, but then the afternoon came.  We had a lot of fun. 
I made some colored rice, with Erin's help, and when Paul woke up we all went outside and played with it.  Well, I thought they'd have fun with them in the ice trays, but Paul promptly poured them all out over him.  "Okay, we can do that, too".  It lasted for a little bit, and then an idea popped in my head.  Glue.
So I ran in the house and brought out glue and construction paper.  We had a good old time placing glue on the paper then spilling the rice over it.  Erin got the hang of what to do right away.  It was the same thing we've been doing with the torn papers on the paper bags.  But Paul was having none of our craft time today and waved his hand back and forth through the glue and rice.  He only stopped when he realized it was sticking to his hands.  His hands were covered in rice and it wasn't coming off.  It was a very cute look on his face while he was trying to figure it out. 
We did some play time, eating picnic style while watching Ice Age (I think they both liked it), stalking school buses, and then a nap for Erin.  We went to Nanas to put her down, and after some play time Paul went down, too.  When everyone woke up we ate then played some more outside.  Because we played in a muddy sandbox (and were still covered with glue, rice, and marker marks) I hosed them down rather than bath time (it would have been too hard to wrangle them for that).  We got them inside and mostly dressed then it was time to head home. 
We did prayers and Paul went down, whyning and crying a little, but was finally asleep by the time Erin went to bed.... and well, we went over what just happened then. 
But bedtime was reasonable for Erin.  We watched the Chocolate Tree episode of Dora, and I promised her we could watch a My Little Pony afterwards.  But between the shows we counted her pom poms.  She didn't have enough to get a reward.  So I made her promise me that she would go to bed without a fuss.  If she did that, then she could have a reward.  But if she threw a fit, then I would take her reward away.  She promised.  She even did her first pinky-swear (pinky-promise).  We were dead serious though.  And it worked, no fuss.  It was a great releif.  I was worried with Chris not being here, but it was all okay.
We had a bit of a hick-up (and it was partially my fault, I'm sure).  Right towards the begining of My Little Pony Erin got up and, I think because she didn't want to leave the room because she kept her eyes on the tv almost the whole time, proceeded to pee on the living room carpet!  Urgh.  I was frustrated, but it was okay.  I talked very sternly to her and just kept repeating things, and trying to make her repeat them "You have to tell Mommy when you need to go potty.  So when you need to go potty, what do you need to do?" etc.  Dora's rules of repitition.  It calmed us both down.  I do feel guilty for the light tap of a spanking (not a full on spanking) I gave her and for making her feel bad by me saying "I'm very sad" quite a bit.  But hopefully it'll sink in.  I know she's got the potty training thing down.  I just have to remind her sometimes.  It's just that it feels like that's all I do is ask her if she's got to go.  I know she tells her teachers when she needs to go.  She will get there.
See, I'm already in a better mood.  This medicine is working.
Allright, two and a half ours past the begining of this post... it's definetly time for bed.  Chris, if you're reading this: know that all went well and I love you.

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