Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bus Stalkers

So because Erin won't go peacefully to her nap in the afternoon I've taken to getting her in the van and driving around until she falls asleep. Some times we barely get out of the neighborhood while other times I'm driving around for what seems like hours!
Well today seemed like it was going to be one of the longer days. It took me a while to convince her that it was either nap time or time to go for a drive. I finally convinced her with a bribe of fries. She didn't seem all that tired, but she had started slowing down so I thought I'd try.
We got in the car, barefoot, and headed out. The school bus was in front of it. She loves school buses so we followed it for a while. But just a little while. I figured since we were going to be up for a while we might as well get some food.
We drove thru mcd and got them each a small order of fries. She was so happy and didn't seem like she was going to go down, so I called nana to see if she wanted to help me with them if we went through claires to get Erin some more earrings. We picked up nana but right after we left the neighborhood Erin was out. Oh well. We will go there some other time. Maybe just her and me while someone else watches Paul.
But anyway... I loved it when we were in the car chasing down school buses. I recommend it to anyone that needs to get out of the house. It was a perfect time. We both were smiling and having fun

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