Friday, August 12, 2011

Duct, Duct, Goose

Ugh. Yesterday afternoon I started noticing pain in my left breast. By nighttime I knew I definitely had a plugged duct. The top of my breast was hot (not just warm to the touch), red, and rock hard along a distinct line. It was painful to the slightest touch. Before I went to bed I pumped an additional 3 oz from that side alone just to empty it after a feeding.
But that didnt help like I thought it would. It relieved the pressure but not the pain (the hardness had lessened but not gone away).
When I woke for paul's mid-night snack my whole body was in pain. My muscles ached like I had the flu, and I had such bad chills I felt like I was in the fridge. Both sides were engorged, but that was due to it being so long between feedings. My left was still very hot and very very tender. I went and pumped an additional 3 oz each side (6 oz total) before waking Paul to feed him.
When I did feed him i gave him the non-painful side first, changed his diaper and then gave him the left. I was in so much pain as I pushed the stopped up milk down the duct towards him. My body was still achy and my chills were increasing as I laid him back down to rest. I kept getting up due to not being able to get comfortable. After checking my temperature (97.3 f which makes me think our thermometer is very wrong its given me similar readouts on paul was i was sure he had a fever) I put a cold pack on and took some Tylenol. Eventually the Tylenol kicked in and my chills turned into sweats so I ended up sleeping in the recliner in the living room til Chris left for work.
I fed Paul again and "pushed" the milk out, despite the pain. I think that time must have done it. By the time Erin awoke I no longer felt as achy (a little remains, but I think that's due to the massage) and my temperature problems had almost left. That's also how I'm feeling now.
It's midday and I've started to get chills again and am trying to get relaxed so my body won't hurt. The pain is still in my breast but it's not hard, so I think it's more from me pushing on the duct while feeding. Hopefully I'm completely better by tomorrow.
Now I can kind of guess why/how this happened. For a while I've been getting such bad sinus headaches I thought my head would explode. The sinus problems eventually turned into a sinus infection. So when u took Paul into the dr for his breathing problems I asked them about mine, too. The dr said that even though I was nursing I should take Musinex D to dry out the sinuses. But to be sure and drink plenty of liquids. So I did, but probably not enough liquids because Paul became agitated when nursing. So to help my supply I started taking supplements (nettle root and fenugreek. At first it didn't seem like they were helping, so I started eating oatmeal at every meal. I should have checked but the supplements can take up to 48 hours to start working. I really think I mixed meds too much too quickly. But I was so afraid of loosing my milk supply and drying up because I selfishly (I felt that way though I know it's not true. But I feel that way when I put my wants/needs in front of my children's) wanted to take those meds for an easy fix to my sinus problem. I felt I should have looked for alternatives, but I now know these were the best choices.
I had had an oversupply anyway so I shouldn't have fought so hard to get it back up. I'm just grateful things are heading back to normal and healthy.

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