Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cell phone baby

I worry sometimes about paul's exposure to cell phone radiation. I know that sounds weird, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Now I don't really know much about the subject but it seems as if every article about cell phones these days is either praising some new technology or damning us all to cell-phone-shaped tumors.

I use my phone a lot around Paul, especially while he's nursing. After all; there's an app for that. I mainly use it as a timer, to look up things on the Internet, edit photos, write blogs, text, and check in on Facebook statuses during that time. These things keep my phone fairly close to his head. Now I did use my phone with Erin, but I did not have such a cool iPhone at the time, so i often just set the timer then put it down.
I think a big reason ive been a little freaked lately is because of the "Ryder" thing. This poor child is suffering from some advanced form of brain cancer and I can't help but wonder if it's from cell phone radiation exposure.

It makes me fearful. I try to put my phone down or at least hold it away from Paul while nursing now, but I have this nightmare where Paul has grown up and has this horrible thing that's cut his life short and he blames me because it's due to me using my phone around him so much while he was so young. I feel so guilty... And ashamed that I cannot use better will power to keep from using it while nursing.
Anyway, that's my rant for the night. Like I said, I don't really know much about the subject so I don't know how accurate my fear is, but sometimes the imagination wreaks havoc when it runs loose in my mind.

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