Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cough cough gag

"cough, cough, gag" is the sound poor Paul has been making when he stirs today. I think it's his allergies but I'm not for sure so I'm going to call the dr tomorrow to find out for certain. He doesn't do it on a regular basis, just when he wakes.
Although just now when he woke for his midnight feeding it was a bit worse and he had trouble breathing too. It was very scary as I watched my baby gasp for air. I quickly undid his Woombie, even though I knew that wasn't the cause, and pat him on the back while sitting him upright. I know that's not what I'm supposed to do if he's chocking, but it was my first instinct. I hope I never have to use that training I got in the infant CPR class. Besides it wasn't like he was chocking on something, just chocking in general (which seems like it'd be a bit more scary).
I have noticed he is very stuffed up sounding and have been aspirating him a lot today. Hopefully this will pass without any significance other than another notch on my worrisome mom experience.
He had been sleeping nicely in his bassinet but after his chocking fit I figured that if it is to do with drainage we should prop him up a bit. So he is now quietly asleep in his swing while it is in the upright position. I don't like not being right beside him at this time of concern, but I know it is the best way for him to rest right now. and I need to get mine as well... Although that seems a bit hard right now with my worrisome thoughts.

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