Sunday, July 11, 2010

PPD on Meds

So I'm on meds now, my 3rd day. Just Welbutrion. I'm a little worried about how it'll affect Erin. I'm doing better, but, you know, since I've had it around me I've been doing better.

The only problem is my milk supply... it is extremely low! It hurts so much when she gets to the end of her feeding. Almost like a needle. I'm trying to be good and drink and eat more, but it's really hard. It's hard to remember, and it's hard to get time sometimes to do anything, let alone eat. I don't know. I know my doctor (Sorenson) reccomended Zoloft because it has little/no effect on her. Welbutron's not supposed to be bad for her, but I'm supposed to watch her attitude (if she becomes docile, non attentive, and whatnot). I didn't know that until today, oye. I'm a bit worried. I need to tell her doctor (first thing tomorrow).


Sometimes, when Chris puts her to sleep and she's crying so hard and then she suddenly stops... it scares me. Because I know how frustraiting it is, and I know how tightly he holds her. I worry. I get scared.


Life is getting better. I'm just worried... and low.

I did get a sudden high, but now I've leveled off, still in a funk... but not as dangerous. Last tuesday I still wanted to run away. I fought the urge badly over a couple of days but now I'm better. I've been talking things over with Chris a lot more. And things are getting better with communication.

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