Thursday, July 22, 2010

First Veggie!

Today Erin ate her first veggie today (which is her first food other than rice). A real step in the solids. I am so proud of her, and am proud of myself because I made the food!

I have been going crazy making fresh foods for her! One of Jen's many gifts inspired me and I've been on a role since. It's so much easier than I thought, too! I just peel/core the item, then cut it into 1 inch "squares", steam it, puree it, then freeze it in an ice tray. After a day I take it out of the freezer tray, put it in individual (snack sized) plastic bags, and then put all of those in a gallon size freezer ziplock bag.

And it's super easy to heat up, just microwave one baggie worth for less than 30 seconds. Make sure it's not too hot, and it's ready to go!

I've made apple sauce, acorn squash, and roasted red bell pepper (which made the house smell delicious!)... so far! I've bought carrots, corn, and butternut squash to make as well and am soooo looking forward to it. It takes about 30 minutes to do everything, which is nice. I try and do it while Erin's awake and talk her through the steps.

But anyway, enough about the preparations: because I made the acorn squash today, she was able to have it fresh... and she loved it! she tried to clean the bowl. As you can see, she gets a bit messy, but it's all good. She loves her veggies!

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