Sunday, July 25, 2010

Amazing Liquid Gold!

I get daily emails from and this was today's informative article. It was written a couple of years ago, but it's definetly worth a second posting!
12/16/2008 11:30:00 AM

Breast Milk: It's Some Pretty Amazing Stuff!

We've all heard that breast is best. While I believe that formula fed babies thrive and do just fine, I still do my best to give my kids breast milk as long as I can. Zander was the only one of my children that I nursed passed the one year mark. He has never had an ear infection, and to this day he rarely gets sick. I have no idea if it was the breast milk or if he's just very, very lucky.

Breast milk isn't just for feeding babies. Did you know that you can actually use breast milk as a homeopathic remedy for certain things?

Breast milk is an excellent healing agent for sore, cracked nipples. Simply express some milk, rub it on your nipples, and allow it to air dry. Do this often - especially after each feeding.

Breast milk is also known to cure pink eye! Express it into the affected eye. If baby or child won't let you do it while they're awake, do it while they're sleeping. Drip breast milk onto the creases of a closed eye, then open the eye slightly to allow milk to seep into the eye.

Breast milk is also great on cuts and scrapes. Apply to the wound, and allow to air dry. Do this often to prevent germs from growing.

Those are all the things that I have personally used breast milk to treat. However, I have also heard that it can be used to treat stuffy noses, sore throats, ear infections, mosquito bites, diaper rash, eczema, and can even be used as a facial cleaner and is great for removing make up!

I also have a friend who cooks with breast milk instead of cow's milk. Now, I have not been brave enough to try this. I think my husband would freak out if I told him his mashed potatoes were made with breast milk. Of course, the look on his face might be worth it! My friend swears by cooking with breast milk, though, and her family doesn't mind at all!

Who knew that there was so much you could do with breast milk? I find it simply amazing.

These are some of the comments that followed:

astrotq said on 7/25/2009 11:22:00 AM:
haha! yeah i think my husband would flip if i ever slipped breastmilk into his food! he is one of those men that is more horrified than fascinated by my boobs and milk coming out of them, (though he is totally supportive of breastfeeding our baby.) however, he shall have to suffer with his scrapes and mosquito bites, while my daughter and i will be cured, lol!

julesddd said on 8/1/2009 1:20:00 PM:
I donate to a milk bank that uses the milk to treat burn victims. So when I got a sunburn last week, I got the bright idea to use a little of my own milk in addition to the aloe lotion. My burn went away in record time! Add burn treatment to the remedy list.

Kati8009 said on 8/2/2009 12:20:00 PM:
Do you think it would work on poison ivy? I don't know anyone who has it right now but my husband has gotten it pretty bad in the past, might have to see if that works

kelsters99 said on 9/5/2009 12:30:00 PM:
My little boy suffers from a stuffy nose all the time almost since the day he was born (5 months old). How would you use breast milk for that? I have used it for all kinds of things like baby eczema, cuts and scrapes, and sore nipples. Would love to help him with his stuffy nose besides having to suck at what little snot I get when I use the aspirator.

harmsgerm said on 9/8/2009 10:32:00 AM:
There has been some research done linking breastmilk to killing cancer cells. I think the research is fairly new, but if its accurate, I'd add a couple more exclamation points after amazing. :)

ladygarnetoak said on 9/22/2009 1:15:00 PM:
yes it does work on diaper rashes (except for ones caused by yeast), works wonders on teen acne ( i have a 13 yo also) and i used it on my face just to see what it would do and my skin became softer. oh yes the stuff is liquid gold!!!!

missmargarita said on 10/28/2009 9:23:00 PM:
I think breast milk was being used as a cancer treatment in the 80s, but didn't know it was still being used.
I did try putting breast milk in my coffee, but found it pretty yucky (I think the smell was the main cause. It reminded me too much of the smell of her spit).
A few days ago I was clipping my dd's nails while she was awake (silly wabbit) and accidentally knicked a cuticle that seemed like it wouldn't stop bleeding (it eventually did). I remember thinking that if it looked like it might get infected, I'd put some breast milk on it. Thankfully it healed before I got to test my theory. Had it been me who got cut (and I certainly have on more than one occasion, usually when chopping veggies), I wouldn't have paid much attention to it, but she's my baby and I just felt awful to have hurt her, even if it was minor and an accident.
Jules, I think it's wonderful that you donate your milk to help burn victims.

avonfeldt0107 said on 11/2/2009 11:27:00 AM:
how did you get intouch with a breast milk bank? I have it stockpiled. My plan is to keep my son on breastmilk until he is 1, but at the rate we are going, I will have plenty more after that.

kstuhld said on 11/9/2009 12:42:00 PM:
So I went on a date with the hubby and had a couple glasses of wine. I pumped and dumped. If we ever get the opportunity to go out again, do you think I could save the milk for these other purposes or will the alcohol render it useless? Also, how in the world are you ladies getting enough milk to store and donate? I am barely making enough for my little guy to eat. I pump every morning and get maybe and additional ounce or two. Thanks for any feedback.

jkweldon78 said on 11/28/2009 9:33:00 AM:
I agree with everyone that breastmilk is awesome! I have used it in my baby's eye if it gets a little red or weepy and it takes care of it right away. It also definitely works on stuffy noses if you use a dropper to put a few drops in each nostril. Then the aspirator will be more effective. I had never thought to try it on burns or sunburn but I will now! To the person who asked about how to get connected with a milk bank, go to and you can find a milk bank in your area. I too have tons of breastmilk stockpiled in my freezer because I always pump before I go to bed at night (my daughter sleeps for 10 to 12 hours overnight and pumping helps me keep from getting engorged). I will be donating it all as soon as I finish the screening process!
Ann2100 said on 11/30/2009 10:08:00 AM:
Wow breast milk is really great. i must try it for those uses

practiceactress said on 12/5/2009 2:50:00 PM:
A good alternative to a milk bank if anyone is interested, is a site called It links you to a yahoo group of women who need/want breastmilk for their babies and have either adopted, had surgery, or has a low/no milk supply for some other reason. I had a breast reduction surgery back in 1999 and only make about %50 of my daughter's needs. With the help of Milkshare, I have been able to keep my daughter completely on breastmilk, and I supplement her at the breast with a device from Medela called and SNS (Supplemental Nursing System). We have even been able to get milk in other states while traveling, thanks to this group. So, if you are interested in a more "personal" way of donating, and a less vigorous screening process than a milk bank, definitely check it out. Not enough people know about Milkshare, and it is such an amazing resource. We have a very special relationship with our milk donors... and I think it is nice for them to watch the baby that they are helping to grow get bigger every month. Just thought I would share! :)

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