Sunday, January 19, 2020

John’s birthday - take 2 & 3

Today we celebrated little J’s birthday... again. If you’ll remember from a previous post we did a party once already with the family before his actual birthday. We could have stuck to just that one, but he really wanted to have some friends over.  So, we decided to invite a few friends over the weekend after his actual date of birth. 
When his actual day came, we did a little fun for his class with donuts and he got to wear a crown all day, which was pretty special to him. When he came home he was all excited because he thought his friends were coming over then. He was in a ball on the floor after I explained to him they weren’t coming yet because it wasn’t his party day. Well, a call from Nana and a call from Mimi helped cheer him up. So to celebrate with him and make him feel better we went out to eat as a family, sort of. It was basketball practice for middle one, so we all drove through j’s choice of fast food and ate in the car before practice. Then we all went in to watch and cheer. 
The day of his party finally came today and he had so much fun!  

It was PJMasks themed, so we had a few decorations up and he had chosen his cake about a week before (which he kept asking for). It was quite delicious from Reasors. We played, ate pizza, make Forkie’s (I know it’s not PJMasks but he loves Forkie), decorated pillow cases, played, opened presents, ate cake, and played some more. Only a couple of friends and the cousins showed up but it turned out to be the perfect amount of people. 

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