Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Glucose Test

Well, I had the glucose test just a little while ago and it went well. This test required that I fasted for 10 hours (I could have water during that time) and come in to do it. At first the doctor said that I wouldn't really have to fast, that I could eat, and then four hours later go in, but when I went in and tried to do it yesterday (I ate breakfast then worked a normal 4 hour shift with just water) but the lab techs said no, that I should fast for 10 hours and try it otherwise my results will be such that I have to come in for the 3 hour test (I'll explain in a minute).
So I went home and ate like normal the rest of the day. Today when I got up for sleep, because I had the day off, I didn't have a lick of breakfast, and went in to take the test. It was the right amount of time and everything worked out well.
They gave me this thick orange flavored (and bright orange colored) drink that I quickly drank down and they started the clock. I had to wait an hour in the lobby, so I had taken a sudoku puzzle book from the house and set to work. An hour went by, and they took some blood.
The orange drink wasn't as bad as I would have thought. I guess there are a lot of flavors out there, but I think RMLabs only offers the orange (someone said there was lemon-lime, fruit punch, grape, and orange). I've had worse tasting beverages so I was plesantly surprised. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't order it if it was offered at a resturaunt, but I wouldn't say it was horrible enough to cause a gag reflex. The only part that was suckie was the blood drawn. I mean, I knew I'd have to have it done and whatnot, so I was prepaired. But she really did a number on my arm and it's a bit bruised. For half the day afterwards it felt like the needle, or at least part of it, was still in there.
Otherwise all good on the glucose front.
Oh, I was going to tell you what happens if I fail real quick: I have to do the same test for three hours. I drink an even larger amount of the orange stuff and then they have to take my blood every hour for three hours. Hopefully I won't have bad results.

Adendum (11/4/9): Wehn I went in to the doctor today they said my glucose test results were really good, 114... whatever that means?

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