Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3-D 4-D Imaging Done Today... Kind of

Well, today was a busy day for baby and me, so understandably LBG was tired (despite some devious tricks of my own) by the time the 3-D/4-D ultrasound went on today. I think I put her in a sugar coma. (you can see here her heartrate is still good but slightly elevated)

You see, earlier today I had that glucose test, so I had all that sugar this morning, and then I knew that to get her to move I should take some more sugar close to the ultrasound viewing. I packed in the orange juice (the real stuff, not the glucose orange stuff), cinimon roll bites, and ice-cream. Needless to say, I wasn't feeling up to doing much movement after all that stuff hit me today, I can't imagine a little fetus feeling the effects.
Anyway, we went and she was moving somewhat before we got in the room, I could feel her kicks and whatnot, but she was tired out by the time we saw her on the screen.

The images were distorted because her umbilical cord was in front of her face (above you can see the cord in the black & whites). There was a cute moment where she yawned though (below), it was so sweet!

We were able to see/tell some features, but she wouldn't move the cord out of the way.

But the people there were really cool about the whole thing and stopped us after 15 minutes and asked if we'd like to re-schedule for a free re-do. We of course agreed. We'll be doing it again Nov. 11, at 1:30pm, and hopefully she'll be up to it by then. I know I went home and crashed, with a little bit of a ickie feeling to my stomache, I'm sure she felt the same.
I hope you enjoy the pictures of what we did get. At one point, I rolled onto my side and she put her feet above her head... not a feat I look at doing any time soon.

Don't worry too much about the ones we did get, because we will be getting more (and hopefully better ones) soon!

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