Friday, June 26, 2009

Urgh... Stomache Stuff

I'm fine. It's just that whole "I feel fine as long as I'm eating or sleeping" thing... my body won't let me sleep for more than twenty minutes at a time, and my stomach doesn't want me to eat anything else. Nothing looks good right now and I feel I've stuffed myself full most of the afternoon/evening even though I know I haven't.
I never realized the definition of nauseous was "that ickey feeling, and not actually throwing up." Because now that I know that that's what it means, then yes, yes I am nauseous all day most days. I just have little-to-no urge to actually puke.
Sorry for the graphics. Just a bit unsure what to do at this point.
Advice is always welcome at this point. It's a weird stomache feeling, but I know it can't be as bad as some of the women out there who can't leave the bathroom due to it. My feelings go out to you past, present, and future mothers who endure that. I can only imagine how bad this gets, because I don't want to get that bad. I hate puking.

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