Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ear, Nose, Throat Dr. Apt

Okay, so I found a doctor that was supposed to be the best in his field, locally. I was in need of an Ear, Nose, Throat doc because of my suspected sinusitis. Dr. Webb, my neurologist, said I might have it due to the results from my last MRI.
My ENT doc, Dr. Leuhr, came highly recommended... on the internet. And the office staff was great, a bit absentminded, but great. When I got with the nurse I had to report the pregnancy, and they wrote it in big letters on the top of the page so that when Dr. L came in he was aware of it.
The problem was he was aware of it and nothing else. He kept saying that pregnant women often get major sinus problems like I was reporting. I kept trying to explain that I'd been having problems since September, but he kept just ignoring that. I mean the MRI even said APRIL on it, which I'm not that far along. Anyway, he finally begrudgingly came around.
When he did, he just said that he couldn't do anything to confirm or treat it because of the pregnancy. Well, he could have just said that earlier. Grrr...

And that's not the worst part, the above just made me frustraited. The part that really pissed me off was when I was leaving he said, "Okay, I'll see you in about six weeks, unless something happens then I'll see you earlier. Hopefully I'll get to see you sooner." Hopefully?! Hopefully?! Basically he's saying that he hopes something happens to the baby so that he can run a stupid CT scan on me! That threw me overboard! As well reccomended as he comes, I don't think I want to return in six weeks. I still can't believe he said that.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is not a good attitude of an ENT doctor, or any other doctor. he must prioritize your problem and not to wait 6 weeks before the real problem comes out. I pity that doctor.

    allergy doctor
