Thursday, January 12, 2012

Doctor doctor, give me the news

( post for 4:20 am on 8-8-11)
So because of the breathing thing last night I called his doctor to bring him in to be checked out. I like my pediatrician office because they are open late and on weekends... Normally. For some reason they were not open this Sunday. So when I called I stayed on the line to have a nurse or dr paged. When they called back is when I found out they weren't open and that it was a nurse from in Tulsa.
She said to go to the urgent care center and that they'd call in over there for us... Which they did not do (and looking back when Erin was sick and we were told to go to the ER and they would call us in they didn't do it then either. Hmm. I'm gonna have to complain to someone). She wanted me to go primarily because at his age they need to make sure his oxygen levels are ok.
When I got there there weren't a lot of people, so despite not being called in ahead of time we were able to get in fairly fast (by their standards, 30 min).
They put what I thought was a heart-rate or blood pressure thing on his foot (looked like a smaller version of those things they put on your finger at the hospital). Turns out it was what they use to measure his O2 levels. They were good, perfect in fact. 100 percent. Which was very good and reasuring. They took his temp (no fever) and weight (12 lbs, 7 oz). All were good signs of him being healthy... Except the cough and stuffy nose.
So the tech took us to our next room where we waited a long time. There was plenty of time to feed and diaper him in addition to waiting.


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