Friday, January 25, 2013

Mall day with Erin

I had to return a coat for Chris to Dillard's so I took the opportunity to take Erin by herself somewhere. I knew the next time I went to woodland I was going to take her with me so she could get my free piece of chocolate for the month.
I was going to take her out at 3 but was running a bit late so it was closer to 4 when I got her out. But time didn't matter. But she seemed to be looking forward to it.
When we got there we went straight for Dillard's. She was in awe of the shoe section, and loved pointing out the purses. She was excited at the prospects of seeing where her clothes were.
We went down to to the men's section and with a slight delay we returned the coat. Erin enjoyed looking at herself in all the mirrors.
Then we were off to Godiva! "I love chocolate!". It brought a smile to my face when she almost yelled it in the store.
She was able to pick one out. It took her a little time, she wasn't sure at first and I had to explain what was in them (vanilla, chocolate, etc). She chose a chocolate-chocolate truffle. Then she really wanted one that wasn't available for being free, but I went ahead and got it for her, then a chocolate covered strawberry for me... Then one for her. She was so excited, but she didn't want to eat them right away. She did want to carry around the bag.
We then went downstairs and she was so excited to go into build a bear. We spent some time in there just looking around, I didn't explain anything to her but I did point out some of the fun costumes and accessories.
After that she wanted to finally eat her chocolate. We found a bench, sat down, and chose the chocolate covered strawberries. They were delicious and she really enjoyed them.
I wanted to take her to the Disney store before we left but on the way she got distracted by one of the kiosks selling squishy bouncy balls. Needless to say we ended up with one for her and one for Paul.
When we got to the Disney store she got a little wild. It was cute. She kept telling me who each of the characters were. I could tell she was starting to understand that I was buying things she was pointing out so she started bringing me things. But I only had enough money left for Brooklyn's presents. Which was a good thing. She needs to know that as much as I want to give her special treats she doesn't need it all.

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