Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cookies galore

Well it's well into the night and I am still revved up (in spite of my not large meal with the geodon). I just finished creating two and a half culinary masterpieces... Sort of. You see tomorrow, actually it would be after today now, the kids and I are going to a Halloween party playdate. It's at the home of one of the girls that does a ton of pinterest stuff. She is actually the one that got me turned on to the site. But she has been sick lately because she's pregnant (morning sickness does not just strike in the morning). So she hasn't had time to do one of her fabulous spreads. So I volunteered to do all the treat stuff she had pinned for Halloween to bring over. It was caramel apple bites, pumpkin rice Krispy treats, and witch hat cookies. I'm also going to bring the bags of Halloween pretzels which I originally signed up for.
But I just finished making the witch hat cookies. They were super simple and I was going to make them with Erin but I thought I'd go ahead and do them now.
I finished up before that the rice Krispy treats. The picture she had pinned was just that, so there was no specific recipe. So I googled just how to make rice Krispy treats (because it's been forever since I've done that) and I found on the official site a really cute idea of rice Krispy surprise pumpkin treats. Which is what I ended up making. Really fun with a chocolate surprise in the middle. I did have to modify it because I couldn't get green gum drops, so I used jelly beans instead. Also I used tubed frosting instead of canned. It went a lot quicker on the decorating but I had forgotten how long it took to do the marshmallows! For-ev-er!

Anyway. I had started the treats while I was waiting on the Carmel apple bites to cook. My night started after the kids went to bed with some help from my hubby. He helped me chop up the apple into very small bits as well as mix the cookie dough while I cooked the filling. Then he scooped out the dough into the proper amount while I had a repeating run of bathroom breaks. Then I released him to go watch some tv and unwind while I finished up. Well I filled the cookies and got them in the oven. But I knew I'd have to let them cool after they were done which is why I started on something else. Then I never went back to them because I'm a bit intimidated by the recipe. It is pretty simple but it seems like it should be harder so I'm a little scared. But I figure I will do it during quiet time while Erin is on her iPad and Paul is napping. We shall see. Pictures to come! Night night. If I can fall asleep. I am so pumped I even put in a load of dishes and laundry to run instead of the last step of the cookies. But I've got to get some sleep now. Night

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